My Favorite Writers

It's tough not to fall into the trap of information.
With the internet being the way it is, it's very easy to click links, go from here to there, turn corners and find new info to short out your attention span.

As a musician living in Nashville, I hear this phrase a lot, "Oh, do you write?"
The answer is always yes.
However, I am not the type of writer that will wrtie lyrics everyday, though most would say I should.
I compose everyday, but it's never strictly lyrical.
Currently I am composing trailer music for a new feature film set to be released next year.  It keeps me busy, inspired, and at times, frustrated.

But when it comes to real writing (I'm talking serious prose), I have got to give props to my favorite writers.

And here they are (in absolutely no particular order):


Michael Chabon (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Wonder Boys)
Richard Adams (Watership Down)
Kurt Vonnegut (Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five)


Derek Sivers (
Timothy Ferriss (
Seth Godin (

These guys have serious talent.  I've been in a Tim Ferris phase for a little over a year now, retooling his 4 Hour Work Week philosophy to fit my life more effectively, eating a high protein diet and pigging out on weekends, and structuring my sleep schedule so I remain alert as possible with the minimal amount of sleep necessary. Girls ask me if I'm crazy.  Again, the answer is always a resounding, "Yes." But who isn't.  I love experimenting, with music, with food, and with my lifestyle, so Ferris is a role model in that sense.  It's kind of like when I discovered Elliott Smith.  The dude was doing what I was doing, but so much more intensely, so he became a personal hero. 
Derek Sivers is hands down a great guy.  He responsed within a matter of 2 days when I asked for his advice on moving to Nashville.
Seth Godin seems to be the marketing guru for the current generation.
If you haven't had a chance to read any of the above writers, I highly suggest you do.

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